Estrella Porter Jorge
, Del Castillo Arellano Jaime
, Añazco Villarreal Diego
, Ayala Mullo Juan
, Badillo Llerena Alejan-
, Balcazar Medrano Dayanara
, Bolaños Romero Daniel
, Cañizares Quisiguiña Stalin
, Carrera Barriga Gabriela
, Di
Stefano Pelizzo Marco
, Espinosa Maza Jorge
, Espinosa Proaño Isabel
, Guamán Maldonado Lucia
, Guijarro Falcon
, Guzmán Cerda Paola
, Iturralde Elena
, Moncayo Intriago Ruben
, Montalvo Silva Paola
, Moya Quitto Gusta-
, Muhammad Mendoza Iqrah
, Noboa Salgado Gabriela
, Ortiz Salazar Doménica
, Puertas Ruiz German
, Pullas Man-
tilla Tatiana
, Salazar Chuquimarca Cinthia
, Sosa Cifuentes Daniela
, Suarez Aguirre Fabian
, Vinueza Erazo Denise
Zambrano Real Esteban
, Zarate Cazorla Susan
, Zurita Salvador Danna
, Di Stefano Ciabatella Marcos
In December 2019, an outbreak of a new coronavirus disease (formally
known as COVID-19) was rst reported in Wuhan, China, and soon spread
around the world. On March 11, 2020, COVID-19 was declared as a
pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). So far, COVID-19
has proven to be a disease with multiorgan involvement, affecting the
hematological system as well. Patients with COVID-19, especially those
with moderate to severe disease, frequently experience a coagulopathy
associated with a high incidence of thrombotic events, which leads to poor
outcomes. The pathogenesis of COVID-associated coagulopathy (CAC), is
not fully understood yet, although the host inammatory response to the
infection appears to be a crucial element in the development of CAC.
IL2, IL-6, IL7, G-CSF, PI10, MIP1, and TNF alpha, among other molecules,
act as proinammatory cytokines that stimulate endothelium damage
and alter the coagulation homeostasis. CAC usually manifests as venous
thromboembolisms (VTE). While bleeding can also occur, it is a rare form
of presentation. Inpatients with COVID-19 must receive thromboprophylaxis,
mainly with low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH); unfractioned
heparin can be accepted under certain circumstances. Patients with a
diagnosis or high suspicion of VTE should receive the complete doses of
anticoagulation treatment and must continue on it for at least three months.
Recommendations regarding prophylaxis and treatment may vary among
institutions and countries. There is not clear evidence for the regular use of
antiplatelet therapy in patients with COVID-19. This review will provide key
insights regarding the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis
and treatment of COVID-19 and its associated coagulopathy.
En diciembre de 2019, un brote de una nueva enfermedad formalmente
conocida como COVID-19 se inforpor primera vez en Wuhan, China, y
pronto se extendió por todo el mundo. El 11 de marzo de 2020, el COVID-19
fue declarado pandemia por la Organización Mundial de la Salud - OMS.
Hasta ahora, el COVID-19 ha demostrado ser una enfermedad con
afectación multiorgánica, afectando también al sistema hematológico.
Los pacientes con COVID-19, especialmente aquellos con enfermedad
de moderada a grave, experimentan con frecuencia una coagulopatía
asociada con una alta incidencia de eventos trombóticos, lo que conduce
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
Palabras clave: COVID-19, coagulopathy, SARS-CoV-2, coagulation, thrombosis.
Forma de citar este artículo: Estrella J,
Del Castillo J, Añazco D, Ayala J, Badillo
A, Balcazar D, et al. Coagulopathy and
COVID-19: a review for medical practice.
Rev Med Vozandes. 2021, 32 (1): 61-70
1 Universidad San Francisco de Quito - USFQ. Colegio
Ciencias de la Salud. Escuela de Medicina. Quito –
2 Hospital Solón Espinosa Ayala – SOLCA: núcleo Qui-
to. Médico del servicio de Hematología/Citometría/
Biología Molecular. Quito – Ecuador.
3 Hospital de los Valles. Médico del servicio de Hema-
tología. Quito – Ecuador.
Estrella Porter Jorge
Del Castillo Arellano Jaime
Añazco Villarreal Diego
Ayala Mullo Juan
Badillo Llerena Alejandro
Balcazar Medrano Dayanara
Bolaños Romero Daniel
Cañizares Quisiguiña Stalin
Carrera Barriga Gabriela
Di Stefano Pelizzo Marco
Espinosa Maza Jorge
Espinosa Proaño Isabel
Guamán Maldonado Lucia
Guijarro Falcon Katherine
Guzmán Cerda Paola
Iturralde Elena
Moncayo Intriago Ruben
Este artículo está bajo una
licencia de Creative Com-
mons de tipo Reconocimien-
to – No comercial – Sin obras
derivadas 4.0 International.
DOI: 10.48018/rmv.v32.i1.5
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
In late December 2019, a cluster of cases of pneumonia was
rst documented in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. These
pneumonia cases from unknown etiology were originally
tracked to patients who visited a wet seafood market where
other exotic wildlife animals were sold as well.
a novel coronavirus was identied as the causative agent
of the disease: named SARS-CoV-2, this is a simple RNA type
. At rst, the disease was known as Wuhan
pneumonia”, since it was limited to people who lived in nearby
areas or who worked in that market, and then renamed as
. Since its discovery, the virus has been causing a
rapid and uncontrolled spread worldwide, leading to outbreaks
in almost every country, which has resulted in more than
114 million conrmed cases, and around 2.5 million deaths,
according to the CSSE at Johns Hopkins University. To this day,
COVID-19, declared a pandemic by the WHO in march 2020
is still spreading around the globe and due to its lack of specic
treatment and widely available vaccination campaigns in a
majority of countries, this disease stills represents a
big threat to public health
COVID-19 is a not-only-respiratory but a systemic
disease, with a range of clinical manifestations,
ranging from no symptoms at all to critical illness
and death
. The most common symptoms include
fever, cough, sore throat, malaise, headache,
muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of
taste and loss of smell
. According to the NIH from
the United States of America, COVID-19 severity
can be classied as follows: asymptomatic
(individuals with no symptoms at all), mild disease
(individuals who have any of the signs and
symptoms of COVID-19 but who do not present
with difculty in breathing or abnormalities in chest
imaging), moderate illness (individuals who have
evidence of lower respiratory compromise during
clinical assessment or evaluation by imaging
Estrella Porter J, et al.
a resultados poco satisfactorios. La patogénesis de la coagulopatía
asociada a COVID - CAC, aún no se entiende completamente,
aunque la respuesta inamatoria del huésped a la infección parece
ser un elemento crucial en el desarrollo del CAC. IL2, IL-6, IL7,
G-CSF, PI10, MIP1 y TNF alfa, entre otras moléculas, actúan como
citoquinas proinamatorias que estimulan el daño del endotelio y
alteran la homeostasis de coagulación. La CAC generalmente
se maniesta como tromboembolismos venosos (VTE). Mientras
que el sangrado también puede ocurrir, es una forma rara de
presentación. Los pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 deben
recibir tromboprolaxia, principalmente con heparina de bajo peso
molecular (LMWH); heparina no fraccionada puede ser utilizada
en algunas circunstancias. Los pacientes con un diagnóstico o alta
sospecha de VTE deben recibir las dosis completas anticoagulación
y el tratamiento debe extenderse por al menos tres meses más. Las
recomendaciones relativas a la prolaxis y el tratamiento pueden
variar entre instituciones y países. No hay evidencia clara para el uso
regular de tratamiento antiplaquetarios en pacientes con COVID-19.
Esta revisión proporcionará información clave sobre la siopatología,
las manifestaciones clínicas, el diagnóstico y tratamiento del
COVID-19 y su coagulopatía asociada.
Keywords: COVID-19, coagulopatía, SARS-CoV-2, coagulación, trombosis.
*Corresponding author: Di Stefano Ciabatella Marcos
Received: 6 – Jan – 2021
Accepted: 19 – Feb – 2021
Publish: 01 – Mar – 2021
Article history
Conflict of interest: All authors declared that there are no
conicts of interest.
Financial disclosure: The authors have no nancial relations-
hips relevant to this article to disclose.
Authors’ contribution: All the authors contributed in the
search selection of articles and writing. All the authors reviewed
and approved the nal manuscript.
Montalvo Silva Paola
Moya Quitto Gustavo
Muhammad Mendoza Iqrah
Noboa Salgado Gabriela
Ortiz Salazar Doménica
Puertas Ruiz German
Pullas Mantilla Tatiana
Salazar Chuquimarca Cinthia
Sosa Cifuentes Daniela
Suarez Aguirre Fabian
Vinueza Erazo Denise
Zambrano Real Esteban
Zarate Cazorla Susan
Zurita Salvador Danna
Di Stefano Ciabatella Marcos
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
techniques, and who have SpO2 ≥94% on room air at sea
level), severe illness (for individuals with SpO2 <94% on room
air at sea level, PaO2/FiO2 <300 mmHg, respiratory rate >30
breaths per minute, or lung inltrates compromising >50%)
and critical illness (individuals who have either respiratory
failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction)
Coagulopathy, an alteration in the normal homeostatic
state of the coagulation system, appears to be related with
COVID-19, especially to patients who develop moderate
to critical COVID-19 cases
. Several abnormalities related
to coagulation markers have been widely reported in
patients hospitalized with COVID-19, who are the ones who
present at least moderate disease. In fact, coagulopathy
is one of the most signicant prognostic factors in patients
who have COVID-19, as it is related with poor outcomes
The COVID-associated coagulopathy, CAC, is not yet
fully understood, but it has been associated with specic
markers, such as elevated D-dimer and brinogen levels,
as well as with thrombocytopenia, which tends to be mild,
and with modest prolongations of prothrombin time (PT) or
partial thromboplastin time (PTT), if any, making it different
to other coagulopathies associated to infection, such as
disseminated intravascular coagulation
. Considering that
CAC can affect as much as 20%-30% of patients with severe
disease, reaching almost 49% prevalence in those admitted
to ICU
, it is necessary to understand this clinical aspect of
COVID, in order to enhance a more comprehensive clinical
management. For this reason, this study aims to show the
key aspects of the CAC, including its pathophysiology,
diagnosis, evaluation and treatment, based in the state of
the art and the information available to this day.
COVID-19 and coagulation
COVID-19, the relatively new disease caused by the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, has been proved to be associated with
microthrombi formation in lung and other tissues
. As a
result, the term CAC, COVID-associated coagulopathy,
is now being used for dening mechanisms associated
with coagulopathy in COVID-19 patients
. There is still
controversy regarding the specic pathways involved in
its pathogenesis
. It is unclear whether it relies on current
known molecular mechanisms in clot homeostasis or if the
infection triggers a different reaction. For instance, SARS-
Cov2 may enter endothelial cells through the ACE2 receptor
stimulating the coagulation process
. Apparently, the
infection also causes a cytokine storm in certain patients,
characterized by the release of IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, granulocyte
colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), and interferon γ-inducible
protein (IP10) which ultimately enhance the expression
of P-selectin, vWF, TF and VEGF in the endothelial cells
As a result, vessels proliferate and platelets, which have
increased in number due to trophic cytokines, bind through
adhesion molecules, starting the coagulation cascade
However, it has also been proposed that, in contrast to other
virus, the interaction of SARS-CoV-2 within the coagulation
cascade may not be as important when compared to
other factors in the clot homeostasis
. This may interpret
endothelial damage as a result rather than a cause,
as it is well known that hyperviscosity, which is present
in some critical patients, can cause endothelial
. The resultant systemic inammatory
response might also be independently associated
with thrombo-inammation
. All in all, it is very likely
that hypercoagulation in the COVID-19 context has
a multifactorial origin, but because of discordant
data, more research is still needed to provide an
accepted and fully proven pathogenic mechanism.
The liberation of cytokines as an initial in-
ammatory process
From a pathogenesis point of view, COVID-19
triggers an unrestrained cytokine production, which
contributes to the severity of the disease
. To start
with, SARS-CoV-2 is recognized via surface receptors
ACE2 and TMPRSS2. Its detection induces pyroptosis
of the infected cells when viral PAMs are recognized
by PRRs. Furthermore, the hosts cells destruction
generates DAMPs, such as ASC and nucleic acids
oligomers, which will be identied by neighboring
alveolar macrophages along with endothelial and
epithelial cells
. Subsequently, IL6 will be produced,
orchestrating further response. IL6 can activate
two possible pathways, cis and trans signaling. Cis
activation will induce both innate and acquired
immune response, promoting migration of B and T
cells, macrophages, neutrophils and natural killers. On
the other hand, trans pathway will act on endothelial
cells, giving rise to VEGF, MCP-1 (monocyte
chemoattractant protein -1), IL6, IL8 and reduced
. Most of the hosts are able to control
the infection and minimize lung damage through
the mechanism previously described. Nevertheless,
some patients undergo an uncontrolled production
of cytokines that exacerbates not only lung damage
but also fosters multiorgan injury, and coagulation
cascade activation
The mechanism behind the production of a
cytokine storm is not fully understood, but a delayed
type 1 IFN (interferon) response may contribute.
SARS-CoV-1, and possibly SARS-CoV-2, contain
proteins that interrupt an early type 1 IFN response,
facilitating viral replication
. Thereafter, once
type 1 IFN reaction nally activates, it promotes a
disproportionate inltration of immune cells to the
parenchyma, hence, activating pro inammatory
cytokines such as IL2, IL7, G-CSF, PI10, MIP1, and
TNF alpha, and causing the most severe cases of
. Undoubtedly, a hyperproduction of
cytokines and a proinammatory context induced
by SARS-CoV-2 links to the severity of the disease,
clinically evidenced by an acute respiratory distress
syndrome in which pulmonary microvascular and
alveolar epithelial cells are damaged, as part of the
pathophysiology of CAC
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
Procoagulating factors in vascular endothelium
Cytokine expression stimulates endothelial activation and
thrombosis, creating a connection between inammatory and
prothrombotic pathways. One explanation of this endothelial
affectation could be that SARS-CoV-2 induces an elevated
angiotensin release
. Therefore, angiotensin upregulates the
expression of ROS and dysregulates the activation of antioxidant
and vasodilatory pathways such as NOX2 and eNOS causing
endothelial damage. Moreover, ARDS created by a cytokine
storm, promotes pulmonary vasoconstriction and creates an
hypoxic environment which potentiates the cell damage
The second event is the prothrombotic effect, that is explained
by both, the activation of the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway
within an immunity-inammatory context
. On one hand, the
overexpression of tissue factor by the injured endothelial cells
and the activated macrophages, leads to the initiation of the
extrinsic pathway. And at the other hand, the intrinsic pathway
is initiated by the activation of factor XII as consequence of
intravascular DAMPS release mediated by NETOSIS
The third
mechanism associated is increased secretion of Von Willebrand
Factor due to the endothelial damage. Hence, the excessive
amount produces a deciency with ADAMTS13 in response
to viral systemic inammation
. Finally the excess of VWF
recruits platelets, which when activated produce neutrophils-
platelets complexes that causes micro-thrombogenesis within
. Another important event is that PROS1
is depleted by the formation of the clot. PROS1 serves as one
of the two activation ligands for the TAM family of the RTKs
receptor, an immunosuppressive activator. Thus, deciencies in
TAM receptor and PROS1 are associated with chronic immune
hyperactivation which leads to endothelial damage
Hypercoagulability (Thrombosis of microcirculation
and circulation, a systemic effect)
Once the cytokine storm is established following SARS-CoV2
infection and endothelial injury has occurred, an extensive
interplay is present among endothelial cells, monocytes/
macrophages, platelets, neutrophils, and proteins of the
coagulation cascade and complement pathways. The
interaction among all the above-mentioned components
lead to a hypercoagulable state with increased levels of
procoagulant and decrease in anticoagulant factors, and
. The latter is the result of an imbalance
state between tPA/uPA and an excess of PAI-1, a nding that
may explain the brin deposits in the alveoli and perialveolar
capillary microthrombosis found in some ARDS patients
As the hyperinammation state expands, the immunothrombosis
process progresses and multiorganic dysfunction sets up
soon. This hypercoagulable state may be amplied by many
factors: hypoxemia because of ARDS (it induces HIF gene
factors expression which boost hypercoagulability through
augmentation of blood viscosity, activation of platelets and
coagulation factors, promoting further imbalance between
tPA/uPA and PAI-1, and inhibition of protein S
, hyperthermia
(it activates platelets) and/or hypovolemia due to negative
uids balance secondary to ARDS protocols treatment
Although not completely characterized yet, many studies have
mentioned the importance of antiphospholipid antibodies
(such as, anticardiolipin IgA, anti-β2 glycoprotein and lupus
anticoagulant) in the hypercoagulable state
found in some patients
Additionally, an aberration of the RAA system
could also explain many of the ndings seen in the
immuno-thrombosis process. As reviewed earlier,
SARS-CoV2 targets ACE2, thus preventing Ang-
II to be metabolized into Ang1-7; Ang-II induces
expression of TF and PAI-1, therefore, it contributes
to the imbalance state between tPA and PAI-1
Another remarkable nding that in part explains
why COVID-19 is more severe in obese patients, is
because AngII also stimulates PAI-1 release from
adipocytes via AT1 receptors
. Furthermore,
ACE protein metabolizes bradykinin into inactive
metabolites, consequently, preventing it from
exerting its vasodilation properties and release of
tPA, thus promoting hypobrinolysis
Clinical Manifestations
The initial clinical manifestations
The spectrum of thromboembolic manifestations of
patients with COVID-19 can be broad and appears
to have variations among different individuals
The hypercoagulable state that might appear
in individuals with COVID-19 is characterized
by venous and arterial thromboembolism,
although venous thromboembolism appears to
be more common. The most frequent clinical
manifestations are: deep venous thrombosis
(DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), ischemic and
hemorrhagic stroke, myocardial infarction, and
arterial embolism
. Symptoms consistent with
DVT, such as asymmetric pain, swelling of the
lower extremities, local swelling of the lateral
limbs after catheterization of the central vein,
hypotension or any unilateral leg symptom,
or with PE like hypoxemia should be taken in
consideration for prevention and treatment of
COVID-associated coagulopathy
. Severe
COVID-19 patients should be screened for DVT
based on their inammatory markers and clinical
features. For the outpatient, the presence of any
of these symptoms should be highly suspicious for
DVT via telehealth, and if not, close monitoring
should be executed
Stratication of coagulation state in patients
Patients with COVID-19 infection have worse
prognosis if they develop coagulopathy during
the course of the disease
. Older age, the
presence of certain comorbidities or underlying
conditions, and some image ndings related to
coagulation abnormalities are also associated
with mortality in COVID-19 infection
Estrella Porter J, et al.
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
Table 1. Factors to be considered for the evaluation of
COVID-associated coagulopathy
Age Older age is related to vascular and
homeostatic changes that increase the
risk of thrombotic complications.
Severe pneumonia, admission to Inten-
sive Care Unit (ICU), Coronary Care Unit
(CCU) setting, Virchow triad
Comorbidities Diabetes, Coronary Artery Disease,
Obesity, Hypertension, Venous trom-
boemolism (VTE) and Cancer are
related to endothelial damage and
alterations in the coagulation cascade.
Other clinical
Unexplained sudden deterioration of
pulmonary status, acute lower erythe-
ma or swelling
Prothrombin time
Activated partial thromboplastin time
Platelet count
Image ndings Echocardiography: Right ventricular
strain associated with Pulmonary Em-
Ultrasound: upper and lower limbs: eva-
luate Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT)
* This table was originally created by the authors of this paper.
Coagulation markers, especially D dimer, are useful
tools for understanding the nature of the coagulopathy
and to classify it according the results, as well as other
factors that might be considered when evaluation
COVID-associated coagulopathy
(Table 1). The
three stages of COVID-19 Associated Hemostatic
Abnormalities (CAHA), proposed by Thachil and
collaborators, allow clinicians to categorize affected
patients in 3 stages that follow the pathophysiology of
the process, based in clinical aspect, laboratory and
image results, so as to establish a possible treatment for
their condition
. Table 2 was created to summarize
the 3 proposed stages. Evaluation of a patient with
COVID-19 infection must be done carefully in order
to aid early recognition, prognosis determination
and decision-making about the management of the
Diagnosis and Evaluation
Laboratory exams
A signicant proportion of COVID-19 patients
develop important coagulation abnormalities, which
may result in venous and arterial thromboembolic
and increased mortality rates
Findings in COVID-19-associated coagulopathy, CAC,
may resemble other coagulopathies associated with
severe infection, such as sepsis induced coagulopathy
(SIC), disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC),
hemophagocytic syndrome (HPS)/hemophagocytic
Table 2. Stages of COVID-19 Associated Hemostatic Abnormalities (CAHA) *
Stages Clinical aspect Laboratory markers Image studies
I Non-severe symptoms
Outpatient or Hospital
Elevated D-dimer (2 to 3 fold above normal)
Normal PT
Normal PTT
Normal or elevated platelet count
Normal or elevated brinogen
Usually none or missed
ndings on CT nor US for
pulmonary micro-thrombi or
DVT respectively
II Severe symptoms
Critical care support
Elevated D-dimer (3 to 6 fold above normal)
Mildly reduced platelet count (100 - 150 x
Minor prolonged PT
Filling defects on CT (pulmo-
nary thrombi or emboli)
Asymptomatic DVT
III Clinically worsening pa-
Higher-level critical care
support (EMO)
Overt DVT
Multi-organ failure
Ischemia (gut, limbs,
coronary or cerebral
Elevated D-dimer (>6 fold above normal)
Signicant thrombocytopenia
Marked prolonged PT and PTT
Decreased brinogen
Extensive pulmonary throm-
bi that compromises both
Systemic thrombosis.
PT: Prothrombin time, PTT: Partial thromboplastin time, CT: Computerized tomography, US: Ultrasound, DVT: Deep
Vein Thrombosis, EMO: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
* This table was adapted by the authors of this paper, based on the one created by Thachil and collabora-
tors, 2020
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), antiphospholipid syndrome (APS),
and thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA); however, CAC should
be considered as a separate entity as it does not entirely t
in other coagulopathies
. The most common pattern found
in patients with CAC is an increased D-dimer value, relative
thrombocytopenia and a slightly prolonged prothrombin time
. D-dimer values tend to be signicantly higher in patients
with CAC, and thrombocytopenia is usually less evident than in
other coagulopathies, such as DIC
. It is important to consider
that consumptive coagulopathy, which is a classical feature of
DIC and SIC, is not present in early-stage CAC
. Importantly,
prolongation of PT, degree of thrombocytopenia and D-dimer
elevation have been associated with a higher mortality in patients
with COVID-19
. Thus, a coagulation prole should be obtained in
hospitalized patients with COVID-19, including PT, activated partial
thromboplastin time (aPTT), D-dimer, platelet count and brinogen,
in order to identify CAC features and establish the prognosis
As mentioned before, a complex inammation cascade is
triggered in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. This innate
response may activate the coagulation pathway, in a process
known as thrombo-inammation or immune-thrombosis.
Therefore, the abnormalities in the coagulation biomarkers
are most likely a result of the intense inammatory response,
rather than due to specic pro-coagulant properties of the
. In severe cases of COVID-19, the hyperactivation of the
inammatory pathway can lead to an overproduction of pro-
inammatory cytokines between day 7 to 14 of the disease(48),
known as a cytokine storm, which may cause the symptoms of
the disease and eventually death
. The inammatory cytokines
and biomarkers that can potentially determine high risk patients
include interleukin IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α),
macrophage inammatory protein 1-α (MIP1-α), granulocyte-
colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH),
C-reactive protein (CRP), ferritin, and D-dimer
The cytokines that are more likely to predict the severity of the
disease are IL-6 and IL-10(51). IL6 is a multifunctional cytokine
and a strong proinammatory effect, also is a key role in the
acute response and it is used as an early biomarker in sepsis
and lung injury and predictive factors of lung disease, organ
dysfunctions and mechanical ventilation
. IL-10 may be related
to compensatory anti-inammatory response in the severe forms
of the disease, and the reason of secondary infections in non
. The CPR, C-reactive protein, is induced by IL-6 in the
liver as a sensitive biomarker of inammation, infection or tissue
. In COVID-19 patients, elevated levels of CPR in early
stage could reect lung lesions and disease severity
. On the
other hand, procalcitonin and serum ferritin have shown a poor
clinical prognosis, and a higher serum ferritin was associated
with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Elevated
procalcitonin and lactate dehydrogenase can suggest a
secondary bacterial infection complicating the clinical course of
COVID-19 in severe cases
According to the NIH, in non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19,
there are currently no data to support the routine measurement
of coagulation markers (e.g., D-dimers, PT, aPTT, platelet count,
brinogen). However, in hospitalized patients with COVID-19,
hematologic, coagulation parameters and inammatory
biomarkers are commonly measured, although there are
currently insufcient data to recommend for or against using this
data to guide management decisions
Imaging and echography
Patients with severe COVID-19 infection
have an increased risk of developing venous
thromboembolism (VTE) and pulmonary
embolism (PE) due to an hypercoagulable
state, endothelial injury and immobilization
Considering this, a high-level of suspicion for
thromboembolism is warranted, especially if there
is any sign of respiratory deterioration in critically-
ill patients
. Deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
can be detected through bilateral compression
ultrasonography (CUS) of the legs, while PE
can be detected through echocardiography
or point-of-care ultrasonography (POCUS)
and computed tomography with pulmonary
. Table 3 (based in Manna
et. al 2020
and Torres et al. 2020
summarizes general ndings of complications
for thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism
found in different imaging device, which could
be helpful for a quicker diagnosis. First, for
ultrasonography, CHEST guidelines suggest a
routine ultrasound screening to detect DVT only
in critically ill (not in asymptomatic) patients or
situations like: suspected pulmonary embolism
(PE), unexplained ventricular dysfunction and a
refractory hypoxemia
. The utility of ultrasound
is based on its advantages like availability,
rapidity, and safety especially considering that
50-70% patients with PE have an underlying
. Second, echocardiography is not useful
as a screening tool due to its low sensitivity
and high rate of false-positive ndings in
diagnosis of PE. Furthermore, it lacks the ability
to visualize the pulmonary vessels
. Third, initial
routine imaging like chest X-ray do not provide
adequate information to diagnose PE, however,
indirect signs could be helpful (Table 3). Finally,
computed tomographic angiography (CTA) is
a powerful tool to stratify risk and detect PE in
hemodynamically stable patients
. Its limitations
include its low availability, higher chances of
transmission, difculty venous access, and the use
of contrast in renal impairment or allergy.
When evaluating if there is high risk of
thromboembolism, physicians must consider
certain parameters that could guide the clinical
suspicion such as labored breathing, respiratory
rate >24/min, decreased SpO2 (<90%), elevated
C-reactive protein, rising D-dimers levels and
evaluating brinogen levels
Outpatient management
Despite the increased risk of coagulopathy
in COVID-19 patients, the NIH gives a strong
recommendation, based on expert opinion,
that for non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19,
anticoagulants and antiplatelet therapy
Estrella Porter J, et al.
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
should not be initiated for the prevention of VTE or arterial
thrombosis. The only exception is given for patients who have
other indications for the therapy or who are participating in
a clinical trial
Table 3. General ndings of complications for throm-
boembolism and pulmonary embolism found in different
imaging device*
Imaging device Findings
Ultrasonography Visualization of the thrombus
Absence of color ow
Non-comprensible venous seg-
Increased venous diameter
Echocardiography Right heart thrombus
McConnel sign+
paradoxical interventricular sep-
tal movements
Computed tomogra-
phic angiography
complete arterial occlusion
partial lling defects of the con-
peripheral partial lling defects
forming acute angles with arterial
Chest X-ray Westermark sign
Hampton’s hump
Fleischner’s sign
Palla’s sign
akinesis of the free wall of the right ventricle and hyper-
contractility of the apical wall
focal oligemia
pleural-based wedge shape consolidation because
pulmonary infarction
enlargement pulmonary artery
vascular prominence before arterial occlusion
* This table was originally created by the authors of this paper.
Inpatient management
All hospitalized patients with COVID-19 should receive
prophylactic therapy for venous thromboembolism (VTE)
. Parenteral anticoagulation is suggested with Low
Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH), over Unfractionated
Heparin (UFH) and oral anticoagulants, unless there are clear
contraindications (e.g., active bleeding, serious bleeding
in the prior 24-48h, platelet count less than 25,000…)
. In
cases of renal replacement therapy or creatinine clearance
(CrCl) less than 15 mL/min, unfractioned heparin (UFH) is
. In patients with history of heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia, fondaparinux is the drug of choice
When feasible, it is reasonable to use strategies to minimize
infection risk by medical personal and patient contact (e.g.,
use of daily LMWH rather than thrice-daily UFH injections)
. This treatment should be continued until symptoms
and infection are resolved. The decision to continue post-
discharge thromboprophylaxis should consider the individual
patient’s risk factors (VTE, recent surgery, trauma or
immobilization), bleeding risks, and feasibility.
For those patients with COVID who are on therapeutic
anticoagulation for other indications such as atrial
brillation, mechanical cardiac valves, or long term
secondary VTE prevention, it is recommended to
receive full dose or a dose equivalent to their current
. LMWH or UFH are preferred over direct oral
anticoagulants because their shorter half-lives, ability to
be administered intravenously or subcutaneously, and
fewer drug-drug interactions
. In patients who do not
have any therapeutic anticoagulation recommended
before admission but develop denitive VTE or
highly suspected VTE where standard conrmatory
testing cannot be performed, myocardial infarction,
clotting of vascular devices, despite prophylactic
anticoagulation, a full dose anticoagulation therapy
should be given unless there are contraindications
for anticoagulation
. Table 4 summarizes different
anticoagulation regimens based on type of
anticoagulant and different medical conditions.
Patients with conrmed venous thromboembolism
who are discharged from hospital, should continue
anticoagulation for a minimum time of three months
Intensive Care Unit management
In critically ill patients admitted to ICU the
thromboprophylaxis should be intermediate doses of
LMWH 40-60 mg daily drip to parenteral protocol to
target an active partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
between 60-85s which are associated with better
outcomes and prognosis
. It is important to consider
BMI for adjusting doses. In cases of high hemorrhagic
risk, thromboprophylaxis will preferably be performed
with mechanical methods (intermittent pneumatic
compression). In these circumstances, it is suggested
to value the performance of viscoelastic tests as
a complement to the monitoring of hemostasis.
After the discharge of the patient in this condition,
thromboprophylaxis should be continued for up to
14-30 days, where LMWH or OAC can be used
Full dose anticoagulation for UCI patients should be
administered under the same recommendations as
for non-UCI patients. Patients who suffered VTE/DVT
should continue anticoagulation therapy for at least
3 months
New proposed approaches
A large NIH multiplatform, adaptive-design trial that
incorporates 3 global studies/networks (REMAP-CAP,
ATTACC and ACTIV-4A) was established to compared
the effectiveness of therapeutic dose anticoagulation
and prophylactic dose anticoagulation in
reducing the need for organ support over 21 days
in moderately ill or critically ill adults hospitalized
for COVID-19
. The results of the interim analysis,
released at the end of January 2021, suggest that full
dose anticoagulation might be superior to standard
care prophylactic dose anticoagulation (OR 1.5; 1.1
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
2.2) in lowering the need for organ support and mortality in
moderately ill hospitalized COVID-19 patients, understood as
those patients who required in-hospital management different
to ICU. This same interim analysis suggests the futility of full
dose anticoagulation in reducing the need for organ support
and mortality, compared with usual care prophylactic dose
anticoagulation in patients managed at the ICU, which are
considered to be severe cases
. Peer review analysis is still
pending. However, we recommend considering this new data
when deciding prophylaxis treatment of COVID-19 associated
coagulopathy in patients with moderate to severe disease.
Treatment of bleeding
Bleeding does not seem to be a major manifestation of patients
with COVID-19
. However, patients may have bleeding for
other reasons, like trauma and/or anticoagulation therapy. The
approach to bleeding is similar to individuals without COVID-19
and involves anticoagulant reversal and/or discontinuation,
transfusions for thrombocytopenia or hypobrinogenemia, or
specic therapies such as factor replacement
Role of antiplatelet therapy
The role of antiplatelet agents is currently under
study. Antiplatelet therapy administration is not
recommended outside of standard indications
It is reasonable to continue antiplatelet therapy
if the individual is already receiving it for another
justied indication
The link between COVID-19 and a
hypercoagulable state has been well
documented in the previous months, and it is
associated with acute inammatory changes
and particular laboratory ndings that make
it different from those of acute disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC). COVID-
associated coagulopathy, CAC, is especially
prevalent in patients with moderate to severe
Estrella Porter J, et al.
Table 4. Anticoagulation doses in COVID-19 patients, as recommended by Massachusetts General Hospital
Enoxaparine Unfractionated Hepa-
rin (UFH)
Fondaparinoux Argatroban Bivalirudin
1mg/kg SQ q 12h Venous thromboem-
bolism (VTE) or Atrial
brillation (Ab): 80
units/kg bolus + 18
unitis/kg/hr infusion
Acute coronary syn-
drome (ACS): 60 unit/
kg bolus + 12 units/kg/
hr infusion
<50kg: 5mg SQ
q 24h
50-100 kg: 7.5
SQ mg q 24h
>100kg 10 SQ
mg q 24h
0.25 mcg/kg/
min (usual star-
ting dose)
0,15 mg/kg/hr
CrCl 15-29 ml/min:1
mg/kg SQ q 24h
CrCl ¬<15 ml/min :
consult with phar-
macy and local
No dose adjustment CrCl < 30 ml/
min Use is not
No dose ad-
CrCl 30-60 mL/
min: 0.05 mg/
CrCl <30ml/min:
0,025 mg/kg/hr
No dose adjustment No dose adjustment No dose ad-
(Child-Pugh B) :
0.5 mcg/kg/min
(Child-Pugh C):
Use bivalirudin
No dose
BMI>40 kg/
CrCl >30 ml/min:
0.75 mg/kg q 12h
CrCl < 30 ml/min;
0.75 mg/kg q 24h
>150 kg : Use is not
Consult with Pharma-
cy and local protocols
>100kg:10 mg
q 24h
Limited Data
Limited Data
Consult local
with Pharmacy
and local pro-
Limited Data
Consult local
with Pharmacy
and local pro-
* This table was adapted by the authors of this paper, based on the one created by Massachusetts General Hospital, 2020
Revista Médica Vozandes
Volumen 32, Número 1, 2021
disease, and certain factor are related with an increased risk
for developing it, like being managed at the ICU, older age
and comorbidities (see Table 1). Among laboratory ndings,
brinogen and D-dimer tend to be increased, with only
modest prolongation of both the prothrombin time (PT) and
the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). Regarding
platelets, mild thrombocytosis or thrombocytopenia are
typically seen. The pathogenesis of these abnormalities is
not fully understood yet, although the host inammatory
response to the infection appears to be a crucial element
in the development of CAC.
Generally, all patients admitted to the hospital with a
diagnosis of COVID-19 should have a laboratory test done,
which must include baseline complete blood count, with
platelet count, PT, aPTT, brinogen, and D-dimer. People
being managed in the outpatient setting do not require
coagulation testing, unless there is another justied indication
for it. Imaging studies might be appropriate when there is a
high-level of suspicion for VTE, which includes deep venous
thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism (see Table 3).
A scale based on the stages of CAC can be used to better
understand and classify patients with a hypercoagulable
state related to COVID-19 (see Table 2).
All inpatients must receive thromboprophylaxis unless there
is a clear contraindication, while outpatients should not
receive it unless clearly justied by another reason. New
preliminary data suggests that full dose anticoagulation
might be superior to standard care prophylactic
dose anticoagulation in lowering the need for organ
support and mortality in moderately ill hospitalized
COVID-19 patients; this same new data points out
the futility of full dose anticoagulation in reducing
the need for organ support and mortality in patients
managed at the ICU, compared with usual care
prophylactic dose anticoagulation. Peer review is still
needed before making this recommendation widely
Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is generally
preferred to unfractionated heparin or oral
anticoagulants, but unfractionated heparin can
be used if LMWH is not available or if there is severe
renal impairment (see Table 4). Protocols may vary
by institution and country. Full therapeutic dose of
anticoagulation is appropriate when deep vein
thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) are
conrmed or highly suspected. This therapy must
be continued for at least three months. For patients
who did not have an episode of venous thrombosis,
thromboprophylaxis after discharge from the
hospital is not recommended. Bleeding is much less
common than thrombosis, and when it occurs, the
management should follow the recommendations
given for patients who do not have COVID-19. There
is no clear role for antiplatelet therapy.
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